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Rhinoplasty on Athletes: Things to Consider

Exercising after Rhinoplasty: What To Know?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that improves and reshapes your nasal shape and function. The nose is the central part of the face, its size and shape affect your appearance. However, when a surgeon operates on a patient and works out immediately after the surgery, the patient could have increased swelling or may feel unwell.  Therefore, it is important to let your body recover after rhinoplasty before you resume exercising.  Consider reading about Guided Mindfulness strategies to help you with your recovery see recent article in Facial Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine Journal, for which Dr Travis Tollefson is the Editor-in-Chief.

Exercise After Rhinoplasty: A Typical Timeline

After a cosmetic nose procedure like rhinoplasty, it is recommended to take at least 2 to 7 days of rest. You can take light walks to improve blood flow and reduce the chances of blood clots. Improved blood flow helps speed up the healing process of the surgery. If you experience diminishing breath and feel tired, stop the activity. Your blood pressure is likely to rise. If you ever experience this condition, rest so you can recover, and take your medications to help reduce the swelling. Avoid strenuous exercise after the cosmetic procedure for about six weeks.

Yoga after rhinoplasty

At least a week after a nose job, it is advisable to start with minimal exercise and in ways that do not place your head below your hearts.  No downward facing dog position.  Yoga is a less intense exercise and does not involve jumping and running around. It is the best place to start after a few weeks of recovery. Yoga will help in the recovery process and can reduce tension and stress.  You can undertake light exercises after surgeries like rhinoplasty, but no contact sports that could lead to injuries.

Cardio after rhinoplasty

Physicians encourage mild walking daily after your surgical procedure because it does not interfere with your healing process. Intense Cardio or High Intensity Interval Training after rhinoplasty should be avoided since heightened blood pressure at this period can cause bleeding. You can start cardio exercises at the end of the second week after your surgery.

Swimming after rhinoplasty

It is advisable that you don’t go swimming for at least 3 to 4 weeks after undergoing rhinoplasty. The swimming pool is decontaminated, but why take the risks. Swimming in lakes or open water should be avoided as this could lead to infections in your wound. Swimming pools are treated with chlorine or any other decontamination agents and this may affect your skin if it hasn’t fully healed. Swimming also might involve bumping your nose on the pool surface or with people around you.

Weight training after rhinoplasty

You should avoid weight lifting for several weeks after your surgery. Weight lifting is a strengthening exercise and its intensity can yield poor results in the end. Starting off at a low workout pace will help avoid nose bleeding, swelling, and throbbing in the future.

Don’t panic if you get swollen

You may experience changes in swelling of the nose and face when you begin exercising after your nose surgery and after you finish exercising. But don’t worry, the swollen nose is healing and will take a year or more until you have a final result.

Why do people avoid exercising after rhinoplasty?

Exercising during the first week after facial plastic surgery can cause irritation and pain in your nose and face. After a rhinoplasty, take about 2 days to rest. For the other 6 to 12 weeks, avoid straining yourself. Light exercises such as yoga and walking around the house are recommended after your facial surgery.


  1. Natalie A. Krane, J. Kai Simmons, Kevin J. Sykes, J. David Kriet, and Clinton D. Humphrey. Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine. ahead of print

tollefsonRhinoplasty on Athletes: Things to Consider